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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

MMSTM / (समध्यावि) movable mind scientific techniques for meditation. सचल मन वैज्ञानिक ध्यान की विधियां (सामान्य आस्तिक हेतु)

This method is a scientific method,  in which your concentration, physical ability, intensity of senses, the foundation of your thinking, psychology and belief is helpful. Your positive attitude reduces the time of the result.

Methodology: General preparation
Install your favorite Dev on a small stool or clean ground. Keep a lamp (Deepak) burning in Ghee in the center of the Photo of Dev.
Do all these exercise when the atmosphere is calm. All have fallen asleep,  10 pm or later. A pin drop silence is helpful.  This all has to be done first time. Although you can do it daily. All is up to you.
Write the mantra of your favorite Dev on a paper in a beautiful way, worship it, fold it and put it in front of the picture of lord.

Worship to the Lord with flower and roli (Akshat)
It is better that you place your wife on the left side and write her favorite dev's mantra. Do not force wife for any mantra. Let her select her Mantra.  Now both of you sit down a few feet away. This aasan  should be of wool or Blankets, which IS clean and not to be used for other purposes.

First of recite your mantra and say iti Shri Vasundhurai Namah (bowing to the ground)

Recite Mantra read Iti Shree Jal Tatam Devi Bhao Namah: (touch and bow to water)

Recite Mantra and read Iti Shree Pawan Tatam Devi Bhagyo Namah: (One should breathe long and leave slowly, it is the feeling of bowing in the mind)

Recite Mantra and read Iti shri Agni Tatam Devi Bhao Namah: (One should breathe long and slowly, be bowed down in the mind, turn round on the stomach)

Recite Mantra and read Iti Shree Akashatam Devi Bhyo Namah (See the up above)

This prayer is because in our meditation, the five basic elements of our body bless us give assistant and no obstacles for meditation.

Now gaze the photo for two minutes and close your eyes for two minutes try to see that picture in the middle of the forehead. Do this 3 times or more often.

Whose ears are efficient that is sounds heard can be heard after stopping the sound. Or those who have sharp nose, who feel the fragrance even without it.  They can focus on the nose or ears.
Otherwise do not do anything.
Directly chant your favorite mantra 5 times loudly. So loud that the head is shaken. Now you start chanting your mantra. In between See the picture and try to see it by closing eyes.
Now you keep chanting mantra continuously. If you want to all exercise daily you can do, but it is necessary for the first time.

If you have some experience like fear, Shuddering Hanging up, sound etc., do not be scared. Just chant few times for sake of Vipul. Fear will disappear.

Don’t hesitate to contact me in the case of any super natural problem. I will help you to solve. Do it daily, Whenever you will need Guru. I will see that you get your real Guru.

If you wish, then focus your mind on the breath of the nose and chanting can be done. Attention can be given to the ear and try to stop your mantra in the middle. It is better to inform everyone in the house. That you are going to meditate. It can do this at 4 o'clock also. Do all this at home only.

After performing this, A fee has to be paid in the form of eating’s to  cow, a donation to poor, food to the poor and help poor with money. Feeding green to cow. Friends, there will be obstacles in completing the task without fees. Therefore Dakshina i.e. fee is necessary.
हरि ॐ हरि

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